According to a 2020 CDC study, nearly 3 percent of 8-year-old children were estimated to have autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Many children with autism may struggle with certain behaviors that can make it difficult for them to connect with others and reach their full potential. Fortunately, ABA (applied behavior analysis) therapy is a popular therapy option for children with ASD. Keep reading to learn more about what ABA therapy looks like and why it can be so effective in helping children with autism.

At Carebot ABA, we offer top-rated behavioral therapy programs for children with ASD. We understand that each child has unique needs to reach their fullest potential. We offer a variety of children’s therapy options to ensure your child receives the tailored support they need to thrive. Contact us to learn how we can help your child today.

What Does ABA Therapy Look Like?

ABA therapy is a widely used technique that helps children on the autism spectrum. Oftentimes, individuals with autism may struggle with certain behaviors that can make it difficult to interact with others, such as socializing and communicating with others. Likewise, many with autism may struggle with certain challenging behaviors that can negatively impact daily life. Therefore, ABA therapy looks to identify these challenging behaviors and use evidence-based practices to change these behaviors to more positive ones through using positive reinforcement. 

ABA Therapy Process: Step-By-Step Breakdown

Each child with autism is unique. This is why seeking tailored treatment is so important. ABA therapy offers a personalized approach to identifying and addressing challenging behaviors to positive behaviors. Below is a breakdown of what ABA therapy looks like step-by-step.

  1. Assessment to Identify Certain Behaviors

First, an initial evaluation of your child with autism is done to identify certain strengths and weaknesses your child may have. This is also done to identify any specific behavioral challenges that may need to be addressed during treatment. The assessment is performed by a licensed professional who will observe your child to see their unique challenges and strengths. 

  1. Customized Treatment Plan

Following an assessment of your child, a treatment plan will be created to help address the challenging behaviors that were identified during the assessment. For example, if it was found your child struggles with communicating effectively with others, some goals for treatment may prioritize your child’s social and communication skills. 

  1. Treatment Sessions

Depending on the types of goals and treatment plans that were determined will impact the types of treatment techniques used. Treatment sessions are one-on-one with a licensed therapist where your child will learn certain behaviors and skills. The goal of these treatment sessions is to help improve weaker skills and turn them into more positive behaviors. 

  1. Positive Reinforcement to Reinforce Positive Behavior

Throughout your child’s ABA therapy sessions, positive reinforcement will oftentimes be used to help reinforce the positive behavior your child performs. For example, many children with autism struggle with socializing and communicating effectively with others. If your child struggles with communicating effectively, your child’s therapist may teach the child how to play and interact well with children their age. When your child is able to initiate and play well with others, the therapist will reinforce that positive behavior. Positive reinforcement can be a wide range of things or actions, from giving the child a reward (i.e. toy or candy) to giving them praise. 

Help Is Available 

Now you know more about what ABA therapy looks like, and how ABA therapy can be used to turn challenging behaviors and weaknesses into positive behaviors and strengths. From identifying the behavior to using specific techniques and positive reinforcement to change a child’s behavior, this treatment approach can be highly effective for children with autism. 

At Carebot ABA, we offer a wide range of therapy options, including ABA therapy, so your child can receive the right care to build new skills and grow their self-confidence. We offer an extensive range of treatment options to ensure your child receives the individualized support they need to achieve their fullest potential. Contact us today to learn more about our ABA therapy.